Apap Machine | Advantages of Apap Machine |

APAP stands for Positive Auto Airway Pressure and is based on the same basic principles as a CPAP (Continuous Positive Pressure) machine. Similar to CPAP devices, APAP machines are a non-invasive treatment for sleep apnea that provides pressurized air through a mask so your airways are not obstructed during sleep. The atmospheric pressure delivered by the machines acts as a splint, preventing your throat from collapsing on itself, so you can breathe freely all night without an apnea event. APAP is one of the top three forms of positive airway pressure that provides air to your airways to help you breathe during sleep if you suffer sleep apnea. Like other PAP (Positive Airway Pressure) machines, the APAP machine is a device connected to a pressure generator with a non-invasive mask designed to provide pressure to keep the airways open while you sleep. How it works : The air pressure delivered by the machine acts as a splint, preventing your throat from collapsing on itse...