Medical Equipment / Hospital Equipment For Doctor Needs 

Hospitals need to be prepared for anything that might go through the door. That's why it's essential to keep essential medical equipment at your fingertips at all times to provide comprehensive care.

In order to provide complete treatment to patients, there is a standard set of equipment that all hospitals should have ready. This list of medical equipment can often be refurbished or new, allowing hospitals to afford to maintain reserves for these vital parts.

1. Patient Monitors

Multiparameter Patient Monitors facilitate patient care in physician offices, outpatient departments, hospital operating rooms, critical care facilities, and ambulance transportation of medical and paramedic services. It may also be necessary to measure vital signs at the bedside during low-acuity post-anesthetic care and during sleep studies. Patient monitors are used to monitoring adults, pediatrics, and newborns.

Specific vital signs may be the most important to monitor in various medical situations. For example, measurement of SpO2 ("Peripheral Oxygen Saturation") is required during surgery and in the recovery room to ensure proper patient care.

Multi-parameter patient monitors provide the required composite view at a glance. Many include configurable vital sign settings and full audio and visual alarms. There are different sizes, with a variable number of monitored parameters. Portability and multi-purpose features offer high cost/performance ratios by eliminating the need for multiple types of monitors. This essential equipment provides healthcare teams with more information they need alongside the patient.
Contec Patient Monitor - CMS 5100, Aqua 12 Multi Parameter Patient Monitor

2. ECG Machine

An electrocardiogram can be a useful way to determine if your high blood pressure has caused damage to the heart or blood vessels. For this reason, you may be asked to have an ECG when your diagnosis of high blood pressure is diagnosed for the first time.
Contec ECG Machine ECG 301Contec ECG 100G 1 Channel ECG with Monitor

An ECG reading can detect some of the following characteristics:

  • cholesterol clogging your heart's blood supply
  • a heart attack in the past
  • widening of one side of the heart
  • abnormal heart rhythms

3. Infusion Pump

An external infusion pump is a medical device used to deliver fluids into a patient's body in a controlled manner. There are many types of infusion pumps, which are used for various purposes and in various environments.

Infusion pumps may be capable of delivering liquids in large or small amounts and may be used to deliver nutrients or drugs - such as insulin or other hormones, antibiotics, chemotherapy drugs, and the like. analgesics.

Some infusion pumps are primarily designed for stationary use at the bedside. Others, called ambulatory infusion pumps, are designed to be portable or portable.
Beyond Infusion Pump BYS-820 With HD LCD Display

4.Suction Apparatus

SUCTION MACHINE In medicine, devices are sometimes necessary to create a suction. Aspiration can be used to clear the airways from blood, saliva, vomit, or other secretions so that a patient can breathe. Aspiration can prevent pulmonary aspiration, which can lead to lung infections. In pulmonary hygiene, suction is used to remove fluids from the airways, to facilitate breathing and to prevent the growth of micro-organisms.
Yuwell Suction Apparatus 2 bottle (20LPM) 2x2.5 Liter Glass Jars (7A-23D), 

5. Syringe Pump

A syringe pump is a small, positive displacement pump used to gradually assay precise amounts of fluid for use in chemical and biomedical research.

Syringe pump systems offer multiple orders of magnitude, better accuracy, and much greater accuracy than their counterparts in medical syringe pumps. In addition, Chemyx syringe pumps do not produce pulsations over peristaltic or piston pumps, which ensures continuous flow.
Omya Double Channel Syringe Pump (Model -S750i), Omya Double Channel Syringe Pump (Model -S660i)

6. Fetal Monitor

Fetal heart rate monitoring is the process of checking the condition of your fetus during labor and delivery by monitoring your fetus's heart rate with special equipment.
Bistos BT 350 Fetal Monitor


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